This site is not affiliated with any rape crisis center; we are not able to provide counseling.  If you have questions or need to speak with someone about something that’s happened to you or a friend, we encourage you to speak with a trained counselor.  The hotlines are there for you, to provide information and support; you do not have to provide your name.

We strive to provide accurate information about the problem of rape, and present options about how you might be able to make a difference.  Our focus is to increase awareness of the problem and to encourage change, not to advise.  It’s our hope that the information on this site will be insightful and useful, however we should not be considered an authoritative source of information.  Rape affects everyone differently, and whether you are a survivor, parent, spouse/partner, or friend, your local rape crisis center is best suited to provide free, confidential information and support.

We strive to be respectful and considerate of gender, and of survivors.  Males can be victims of rape.  Females can perpetrate rape.  Rape and abuse can exist in same-sex relationships, as well as heterosexual relationships.

This site does not advocate whether someone should be sexually active or not.  We believe that’s a personal choice.

We are not responsible for the contents of any linked site.  We are providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of that site by  Please report any problems to

Finally, by no means does this site represent a finished work.  We have more to write about, and more to add to the site.  We welcome any suggestions or insight you have to offer.  Please feel free, not only to send us feedback, but any handouts, articles, web site links, or other recommendations.